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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Life with CME

hari ni nak citer pasal career...chewah...hahaha. Actually bukan la pasal career sangat...cume pasal aktiviti kat CME ni.. last week kami ade offsite meeting kat palace of the golden horse..dalam tentative tulis ketibaan participant kui 8- 8.30 a.m.. mane la tau jem pulak aritu... selalunye aku awai gak datang ofis..sampai mira n akram call tanye kat mane...sebab sy sorang je tak sampai lagi...cuak gak mase tue...mase tue da terbayang "mem" ngan En.B je..hehe

hahaha selamat giler sebab due 2 tak datang laki...kuang asam tul kat seseorang tu kate mem da tunggu...bikin cuak aje...hehehe...tp lain kali xmo buat da...nak gerak awai2 lain kali :D

ok la.. offsite meeting kali ni.. ade personality test and aku tergolong dalam perfect malancholy...huahuahua...ape kah maksudnye sila google sendiri yer...hehehe :D

malas la nak tulis panjang2...hahaha tengok gambar da la yer... mira ayu amik gambar dari fb mira ...hehehe (-_-)V

nota kaki :A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.....
saje je nak qoute kate2 dari kak epi...hehehe..



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